I did some modifications in database.inc, database.mysqli.inc and settings.php in order to work when master mysql server was down.
- If mysql master is inactive, connect to Slave,
- if slave is inactive but Master is active, then connect to Master
- if Master and Slave both are inactive, Redirect user to Offline page
Modifications can be found in red text.
- Below change will modify the db_connect call to Master instance by passing 2nd parameter ("master") and by assigning $db_slave_conns[$name] values to $active_db.
- Validate before slave connection create. If master is active we are not calling Slave by adding $db_conns[$name]->connect_errno > 0
function db_set_active($name = 'default') {
global $db_url, $db_slave_url, $db_type, $active_db, $active_slave_db;
static $db_conns, $db_slave_conns, $active_name = FALSE;
if (empty($db_url)) {
include_once 'includes/install.inc';
if (!isset($db_conns[$name])) {
// Initiate a new connection, using the named DB URL specified.
if (is_array($db_url)) {
$connect_url = array_key_exists($name, $db_url) ? $db_url[$name] : $db_url['default'];
if (is_array($db_slave_url[$name])) {
$slave_index = mt_rand(0, count($db_slave_url[$name]) - 1);
$slave_connect_url = $db_slave_url[$name][$slave_index];
else {
$slave_connect_url = $db_slave_url[$name];
else {
$connect_url = $db_url;
if (is_array($db_slave_url)) {
$slave_index = mt_rand(0, count($db_slave_url) - 1);
$slave_connect_url = $db_slave_url[$slave_index];
else {
$slave_connect_url = $db_slave_url;
$db_type = substr($connect_url, 0, strpos($connect_url, '://'));
$handler = "./includes/database.$db_type.inc";
if (is_file($handler)) {
include_once $handler;
else {
_db_error_page("The database type '". $db_type ."' is unsupported. Please use either 'mysql' or 'mysqli' for MySQL, or 'pgsql' for PostgreSQL databases.");
$db_conns[$name] = db_connect($connect_url,'master');
if ($db_conns[$name]->connect_errno > 0 && !empty($slave_connect_url)) {
$db_slave_conns[$name] = db_connect($slave_connect_url);
$previous_name = $active_name;
// Set the active connection.
$active_name = $name;
$active_db = $db_conns[$name];
if (isset($db_slave_conns[$name])) {
$active_slave_db = $db_slave_conns[$name];
$active_db = $db_slave_conns[$name];
else {
return $previous_name;
- db_connect function accept a 2nd parameter. default value will be slave
- wrapped _db_error_page(mysqli_connect_error()) with slave server validation. this will stop error page redirection if master server is down.
- wrapped with else block to void calling mysqli_query with uninitiated mysql resource.
function db_connect($url,$server='slave') {
// Check if MySQLi support is present in PHP
if (!function_exists('mysqli_init') && !extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
_db_error_page('Unable to use the MySQLi database because the MySQLi extension for PHP is not installed. Check your php.ini
to see how you can enable it.');
$url = parse_url($url);
// Decode url-encoded information in the db connection string
$url['user'] = urldecode($url['user']);
// Test if database url has a password.
$url['pass'] = isset($url['pass']) ? urldecode($url['pass']) : '';
$url['host'] = urldecode($url['host']);
$url['path'] = urldecode($url['path']);
if (!isset($url['port'])) {
$url['port'] = NULL;
$connection = mysqli_init();
@mysqli_real_connect($connection, $url['host'], $url['user'], $url['pass'], substr($url['path'], 1), $url['port'], NULL, MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS);
if (mysqli_connect_errno() > 0) {
if($server == 'slave'){
}else {
// Force UTF-8.
mysqli_query($connection, 'SET NAMES "utf8"');
return $connection;
$db_url = array();
$db_url['default'] = 'mysqli://user:password@master-host/database';
$db_slave_url = array();
$db_slave_url['default'] = 'mysqli://user:password@slave-host/database';
Hey, I was wondering about the load on the master/slave server are they distributed evenly for all the requests or ONLY when the master goes down slave gets activated.
I just have regular drupal for now. I am little skeptical about installing pressflow. In the future i believe my website would grow and want to handle the needs of any load. So do you think pressflow will be able to do that. In a way do they really split reads & writes ?
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